Thursday, May 29, 2008


According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, boredom is an
emotional state experienced during periods of lack of activities or when an individual is uninterested in the activities surrounding them.

That being said if you ever have a school project, or are interviewing for a newspaper or website and need someone very knowledgeable and experienced in the act of boredom I am here. Call for details.

Now, I’m sure you’ve seen me mention this briefly, but thought I’d offer you the chance to read the full explanation.

I got to work not too long ago and as every day of work, except for that day when I came in when I wasn’t scheduled, I logged onto my computer, opened all my programs, got ready for calls, and opened my browser to post a “Good morning” and greetings to my friends on The Clayboard. That’s a Clay Aiken message board in case you didn’t guess. But what do I find when I get to the website? An error stating that it’s in the category of “social networking” thus the site has been blocked by Chase. Followed by my [silent] outburst of “Are you kidding me?!?”

Now, there are many Clay Aiken message boards. The Official fanclub board, The Clackhouse, Clayversity, and the Clayboard are the main ones that I know of. I only spend time and post on the Clayboard. That’s where I first signed up and I have met several wonderful ladies and friends from all over the world. And wouldn’t you know it? I can still get on all of the other boards EXCEPT the Clayboard. Are you KIDDING me?!?

And now you’re wondering what the heck is wrong with this girl. This is not the end of the world. She can’t access one freakin website omg it’s going to be ok Melanie I promise. Yeah, no. You don’t understand. That is what was keeping my sanity here. I take call after call over and over again. Despite the fact that I was spending a fourth, maybe a third of my time in after-call-work surfing the board I still have lower talk times then most of my team members. That’s just sad I say.

And now you think, no wonder they blocked the site! Melanie was wasting a third of her talk time surfing a message board. Not just a message board, but a CLAY AIKEN message board! This girl should just be fired for the Clay Aiken reference in that sentence. Although for those who think that, they obviously haven’t seen Clay in Spamalot or listened to the new album. And although the flat iron hairstyle he was sporting on The View that one day might be slightly alarming get over it and move on.


It was keeping my sanity y’all I’m not kidding. I had friends to keep in touch with. The breaking Clay Aiken news to read. The excitement of all of the activity with the album coming out. And the fact that I could read all this at work and not spend my time at night was a plus. And now? Now I’m stuck reading news articles and looking up the word boredom on wikipedia. For the love of give me my site back before I loose my mind!

Maybe I’ll bring in a cross-stiching kit and make some Christmas presents that the recipients never know what to do with.

Point being? I’m bored.

1 comment:

jd said...

Sorry to hear you got blocked. Boredom is the worst feeling. I spend much time making sure it stays away. Which is why I once got fired from a bank because I could no longer stand spending 8 hours a day filling out the same stupid two page form fro rejected loan applications. You are welcome to call me some time to explore your options.